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Tag: blog

Slow and Steady

Slow and Steady

Many a runner, or philosopher, or runner-philosopher has ruminated that marathon running and training is a perfect metaphor for life; alas, we must take our miles, and indeed our lives, one step at a time.  I fully subscribe to this tendency.

Unfortunately, it appears that I’m also subscribing to the same belief in terms of getting this blog together.  I have the ideas; I can create the content; hell, with my software engineer hubby, we can make this blog rock!  It’s just a matter of time.

I will get this together.  Promise.  It may be a process, and indeed some sort of experience, but isn’t that what running’s all about, anyway?  The journey, not the destination?

Happy trails … E

The time has come

The time has come

It has been a long time coming, but the time is finally here: after 1yr+ of owning the running ruminations domain name, I have finally begun my all-things-running blog.  I hope you enjoy the ride; I’ll try to control the turbulence.

Happy trails … Erin