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Tag: MCM

This time, it’s for real

This time, it’s for real

As the nearly 18-month gap between this blog’s inception and my first post indicates, I’m a terrible blogger. C helped me land this domain just a few weeks before or after my Nashville Country Music Marathon (marathon #4, if you’re counting), yet for one reason I haven’t written in it yet. Maybe it’s fear, maybe it’s because I really doubt anyone will find this helpful or entertaining, but what the hell. Here goes.

I’m in the throes of training for marathon #11 and #12 – Akron and the Marine Corps Marathon, respectively. Akron’s like the hometown marathon for me and a chance to better my 3:55 there from 2008. MCM will be like a little mini-family vay-cay, since C and my folks will be trekkin’ to DC with me for the trip. It should be fun.

This summer’s training has been of maintenance standard, at best. Blame the FT work, FT school, PT internship, and “life” getting in the way, and the fact that I desperately needed some time-off since running my first Boston in April and then BQing in Rockford in May. I’m a bit anxious about my fall marathons, but as I tell myself when I’m shrouded in doubt: there will be other races.

I’ll try my best to begin blogging on a more regular basis, but I may need some encouragement. Feel free to drop me a line anytime at erin at running (no space) ruminations dot com.