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Modesto Marathon training update – the final bit!

Modesto Marathon training update – the final bit!

You know, back in the day, I don’t think I appreciated or valued the taper for what it was or for the function it serves during the marathon training process. I feel like I was one of those runners who gets especially antsy, thinking and rethinking everything that I’ve done (or haven’t done) during the training and, consequently, second-guessing my ability to cover the marathon distance or my ability to deliver on a goal that I (probably somewhat arbitrarily) set for myself.

These days, I’m quite the opposite. By the time taper arrives, I’m ready for it. Maybe it’s a product of accumulated years of marathon training cycles, racing, and mileage, or maybe it’s just a byproduct of chasing after two small children at home; eh, it’s probably both. At any rate, I dig the taper. I respect its role in the process.


W, 2/24 – 13 miles with miles 4-7 @ tempo + 8×1 @ 10k RP with 2′ jog rests. Actual: 13.04 @ 7:58 average

This week necessitated a bit of Life Tetris-ing with my runs because we were leaving early Sunday morning for a Disneyland trip (yay, paternity leave), which meant that if I wanted to do both my LR and my speed stuff, I’d have to do something midweek. I ran this after the kids were in bed (around 9pm), kinda dreaded it all day long, probably emotionally ate to compensate, and my legs (and belly) felt heavy for all of it. In actuality, my posted splits were where they should have been (for once) – 7, 6:58, 6:52 and 6:25, 6:13, 6:47 (oops), 6:31, 6:53 (oops), 6:36, 6:22, 6:29for the 10k. On paper, everything was fine, but I felt like I was dragging ass for the most part. It happens.

The bigger issue on this run was that a creeper appeared out of seemingly nowhere when I was on my second or third 10k repeat, it scared the beejezus out of me, and I promptly grabbed my jacket (#priorities) then hightailed it off the unlit, cinder track and into a nearby neighborhood to finish my run. I run by myself often, I have no qualms about running in the dark (so long as I wear my headlamp, which I was), so the fact that I felt uneasy about this random person was alarming. Always, always, always trust your gut. Always.

Sa, 2/21 – 21 miles. Actual: 21.11 miles @ 8:31

Running is so humbling. My previous two 20 milers were without bowel consequence, and apparently, I had to make up for it. I spent the first 10.5 miles having GI catastrophe after GI catastrophe (you’re welcome), making me wonder if I should even try to finish the run, which was frustrating because my legs (and the rest of me) felt fine. Eventually, things turned around, and I had a lovely negative split to show for my efforts. For some reason, I kept gravitating toward the hills in and near my neighborhood, giving me about 700′ of climbing, so I had fun with mixing up the effort throughout the run, as well. Again, just one of those days, I guess.

Sa, 3/5 – 13 miles with miles 4-7 @ tempo + 8×1′ @ 10k with 2′ jog rests. Actual: zilch.

We were in Anaheim from 2/22 through 3/5, and running there is super tough due to logistics (and especially now that we have the baby). It’s doable, but it’s not easy, and my experience has been that when we go there and I don’t run, I lose virtually no fitness because we’re on our feet all day, every day. On this trip, I ended up running only twice while we were there, in part because of the logistical nonsense and because I eventually waved the white flag to the strep throat that I had apparently been harboring since 2/24. Ick. I was bummed to miss my last major speed sesh of training, but trying to power through it while sick (even if I felt decent, save for a total inability to swallow or generally turn my neck, as well as a total absence of my voice) would do me no favors. No go.

the Snow White ride broke down shortly after we boarded. It was moderately creepy.

Sun, 3/6 – 18 miles with final 5 @ GMP. Actual: zilch.

See the strep throat commentary above. We got back from Anaheim Saturday night, I spent two hours in a clinic waiting to get some antiobiotics (and a strep diagnosis), so I ultimately put myself in “fun timeout” on Sunday and forbade myself from running the last major workout of training (and San Jose’s 408k race, my fav race here). Again: bummed I had to skip this one, but I definitely know I made the right decision. Long term gains > short term gains.

Sa, 3/12 – 10 miles with miles 4-5 @ tempo + 8×2′ at 10kRP with 90” jog. Actual: 12.02 @ 7:43 avg

Apparently I have become quite consistent in my propensity to overestimate distance when completing speed sessions on the track. I overshot what should have been 10 miles to 12, and during the 8 rounds of 2 minutes at 10k race pace, I managed to screw up my intervals twice: once by hitting the wrong button on my watch and not realizing it for a good 300 meters and then, later, by running my interval for 30 seconds longer than I needed to. Derpy derp derp. My 3:30am baby-induced wakeup and apparent insufficient caffeine fueling made itself clear, evidently. My many derp moments aside, this went well. My legs felt a bit heavy, and the last bit got tiring and windy – is it a freaking law of nature that it is always windy on tracks?! – but no complaints. The stats: tempo at 6:45; 10k 2 minute repeats at 6:31, the screw up, 6:46, 6:33, 6:39, 6:54 for 2’30” (derp), 6:42, 6:33.

windy morning for sure, but damn, it was pre-tay!

Sun, 3/13 – 9 miles with final 6 @ GMP. Actual: 5.02 @ 7:23 average

I woke up Sunday morning, an hour less of sleep than usual (DST), and I think the sleep deficit, combined with the darkness, the relentless rain, some fatigue from Saturday’s dozen, and perhaps my still-getting-over-this-strep-stuff all seemed to coalesce, making me eventually get up, get dressed, get ready to go out … and then promptly go back to sleep for a while. I so rarely do stuff like this, so I chalked it up not so much to “lack of motivation” as to “I need to listen to my body so I can fire on all cylinders at my marathon in a week.” I eventually got out for this around 8pm, after I got the littlest in bed. Practically on my way out the door, I realized that if I did the workout as prescribed, I’d be way over my prescribed mileage for the week – not something I want to do a week before my race – so in the interest of “less is more,” I cut this down to 5. I figured I’d do a warm-up then 4 GMP, but I got into it right outta the gate, probably because GMP make me anxious for some reason, so I was keyed up on adrenaline right away. I was shooting for 7:35, probably (maybe? perhaps?) what I’ll go for on Sunday, and went 7:28, 7:28, 7:12, 7:21, 7:25 and felt great. Plus, I only had to stop once, at 0.3, for a stoplight. That’s a victory in and of itself. Stoplights are the bane of my running existence here in SJ.


another Modesto Marathon training update

another Modesto Marathon training update

Since we’re less than a month out from Modesto (!), I figured it was high time for another training update. I still have other posts I want to write about training postpartum and how it’s different compared to how I’ve trained before – and I know you’re on the edge of your seat, eagerly awaiting those posts’ publication – so I’ll get to it… eventually. That’s what taper is for, right?


2/6 – 17 with final 4 at GMP; actual 17.12 @ 8:14 average with Meredith, some rollers, and GMP at 7:19, 7:28, 7:17, 7:15

Thanks to a confluence of extenuating circumstances, Meredith and I decided to go long on Saturday for a change. She had 10, I had 17, so I posted the first 7 sola before we ran the balance together on the rollers between SJ and an adjacent ‘burb. GMP is still a big mystery to me – somewhat problematic because I’ll soon be posting 26.2 GMP in fewer than four weeks’ time – so I tried to go on feel and hit 7:19, 7:28, 7:17, 7:15. Many of the GMP miles were over the ascent portions of the rollers, which made the effort a little higher, but I felt really good – in a fatigued sort-of-way that comes with doing GMP at the end of a long run – and got totally lucky and managed to hit all the stoplights at the right time, thereby running the GMP continuously, without interruptions. Score.

during some of the earliest miles

2/7: speed lite – 8 miles with 8×1′ at 10kRP; 2′ recovery. Actual: 8.75, 7:51 average

A very delayed start – during my kids’ attempted-but-aborted afternoon nap – for this run and fortunately, Meredith also had similar mileage and a similar I just don’t waaaaaaaaanna attitude to contend with. Bless her for being willing to drive all the way back to SJ for “just 8 miles.” I haven’t run a 10k in a while, so my 10k RP time (for training purposes) is based on my racing from about 2013-15, making my 10kRP around a 6:40-6:45, which is about what I’ve been posting for tempo runs, so… yeah. Just using the data I have available. I hadn’t done a “speed lite” workout like this before, but I was happy to have this on deck the day after a 17 instead of my usual tempo. You can definitely tell that I’m not used to pacing this stuff, since my times were unnecessarily (and potentially deleteriously) faster than they needed to be, but dammit if it wasn’t super fun: 1′ at 6:24, 6:20, 6:31, 6:08, 6:23, 6:21, 6:14, 6:28. It was also about mid-seventies and pure sun (a big change for what I usually run in) for this, which made chasing this run with popsicles just delightful. I finished this run feeling strong and satisfied… and thirsty.

many left turns

2/13: 12 miles with 4-7 at tempo + 6x (1′ at 10kRP; 2′ recovery). Actual: 13.16 @ 7:34 average

The Olympic marathon trials were this day, so I was totally channeling my inner Desi (love her) to rock this run. I overshot the distance to 13 (which seems somewhat inevitable, based on how far away the track is, the route I take to get there, and those little details), and even with little sleep and sub-par nutrition from the night before, this went over pretty well – 6:40, 6:44, 6:35 for the tempo [prescribed range is 6:55-7:05] and 6:15, 6:26, 6:14, 6:25, 6:08, 6:10 for the 10k 1′ portions [can you tell where the wind was?!]. I had to rally a bit on the tempo because I started too quickly, and the wind made for some tricky pacing on the 1′ sections, but overall this went pretty well. Doing the 1′ portions after the tempo can be mentally taxing, but I’m finding that I enjoy it because it allows me to open up my stride a bit more and finish the run by breaking through mental and physical fatigue – just like we all have to do at the end of any race we run. It only amounts to a three mile tempo plus six more minutes of fast running, but I think these types of runs are excellent for mental callousing.

2/14: first 20 in a couple years! Actual: 20.16 @ 8:18 average

The last time I ran a 20 was in advance of the Santa Rosa ’14 marathon, when I was training to pace the 3:35 group, so I was a little anxious about how this run would go – and because I’d be doing it by myself and the day after speed. It went well though, and by some miracle, even though I ran city streets for the entirety of the run, through parts of down that are usually clogged by vehicular traffic, I only lost seven minutes on the run to stoplights and cars. (For perspective, some days I can easily lose 10-20 minutes!). I decided from the get-go to take things pretty easy early on, averaging in the 8:30s and ultimately ended up negative-splitting this run. I went on a tour of SJ and SC, which was pretty fun, and the 20 was actually pretty relaxing overall. Running is so weird sometimes. Who the hell says that running 20 miles is relaxing…

2/20: 12 with miles 4-7 @ tempo + 6x(1′ at 10kRP, 2′ recovery). Actual: 13.05 @ 7:38 average

Same workout as 2/13, same overshooting-to-13 as before, but better pacing this time around, with the tempo at 6:43, 6:43, 6:35 and the 10k 1′ at 6:07, 6:08, 6:11, 6:03, 6:11, 6:10. I attribute the pacing improvement to having a better grasp of the workout (since I had just completed it a week prior) and the virtually non-existent wind. I made a conscious effort to focus on consistency and smart-starting my tempo – trying to avoid blowing up and petering out – and I think the focus helped tremendously. Typically when I’m running tempos on the track, I only check my pace every 400 m, and for most of this tempo, my pace was exactly the same each time I looked. Just like last week though, the 10k pace was harder to dial in, and I’m sure I’m running those segments faster than I need to be, but I think it’s mentally good to push through the final bits of mental/physical fatigue in an effort to prepare myself for doing the same on race day.

2/21: another quiet and sola 20. Actual: 20.08 @ 8:24 average

Just like last week, I had another quiet and sola 20 on deck the day after speed, and just like last week, I gave myself permission to ease into it for as long as it took. I wasn’t expecting to be in such a mentally shitty place for so long though – it was one of those moods where I was wondering why the hell I was voluntarily doing this stuff – but after about 9 miles of that, both my attitude turned around, and my legs came to life a bit. This 20’s route was flatter than that of the previous, and again, by some miracle bestowed upon me by the running gods, I lost only five minutes to cars/stoplights this time around. I ended the run posting a negative split, was buoyed by a nice dude who mid-run, somewhere around mile 13 or so, yelled to me to JUST KEEP ON RUNNING! (thereby becoming my new running BFF, unbeknownest to him), and though I was tired at the end, I was in such a better place mentally than I was when I started. That’s the funny thing about running: sometimes it can take such a long time (nine miles for me on this run) to a) feel good and b) be happy that you’re out there and able to do this stuff in the first place. We just gotta roll with it, and trust the process. Oh, and I finished the run and was home by 8:30, pretty much as the rest of the family was waking up. That rocked.

total adoration

The next training update will be written from the exciting locale of Taperlandia – can’t wait!