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Day: September 1, 2021



Earlier this morning, I thought I’d have loads of available time today to wax philosophic about my event I’m training for this fall and that for which I registered in the spring.

Instead, it’s nearly 9pm, I’m about to do bedtime, and shortly after I, too, will collapse in bed after what turned out to be an action-packed day of everything and nothing all at once. With both kids doing school, in school, I guess I stupidly thought that I’d have more available time to do … whatever, but at least right now, I’m very much feeling the beginning-of-the-school-year crunch.

All good things, for sure, just a lot.

So! In lieu of what I was originally going to write about tonight, I’ll leave you with a picture that I took on my long run on Sunday morning, when I ran 18 on as-hilly-as-possible-roads, all over the the east side, because ARP was closed due to heightened fire dangers with the high temps, low humidity, and high winds.

I was running by a house that had this down by the road and actually stopped to do a double-take because it was so unusual.

Seeing a web in plants isn’t all that unusual around here, but to see a web that has trapped this much water droplets (when have we had type of water falling from the sky recently???) — that was something else.

When’s the last time you stopped mid-run to do a double-take?